Any Moment Now!

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The musical is finished
and now it’s time to get some performances going! I have a few
theaters in mind but I need more than just a few. If you know of a
venue that would be appropriate for the kind of show we’ll be putting
on please contact me! We’re diving into new territory and all the
help we can get will be very much appreciated. We need all the native
guides we can get!

Here’s a link to the new
album, Any Moment Now. It’s wonderful. Yeah, I’m a little biased, but
if I can listen to it several times a day for 6 months straight then
I’m pretty sure it’s as good as I was hoping.

Any Moment Now by Nathaniel Johnstone

After every album release
I hit a brick wall. After spending all those hours, days, weeks, and
months working at all hours and mining deep into my creative earth I
find that what follows is an almost desperate need for inactivity. I
still roll out of bed way too early. I still feel the habit of early
morning productivity tugging at my brain but the actual, you know,
doing stuff proves difficult. After 6 months of “nose to the
grindstone”, well, discipline proves elusive. :/

The dishes get done,
breakfast is cooked, coffee in drunk, and the cats are snuggled but
the recording studio gets turned into a storage room for a month. I
open the door to the studio and think, “Oh, man. That’s too much. I
need to go have a lie down.”

Thankfully, there are
shows that need doing, performances that need performing, and that
doesn’t require the same kind of creative thought. Hell, the shows
are so much fun that I have -no- trouble setting aside 72 hours for
travel, load in, sound check, loud out, merch tabling, and scrambling
for a morsel of food every now and then. Then there’s the wrangling
of bandmates – making sure they eat, sleep, and show up on time to
sound check. Thank heavens for responsible bandmates. They make it
all possible.

Well, last night (and this
morning) I’ve cleaned out the studio, thrown away all the detritis of
inaction and am gearing up for the next thing. I’ve got a long list
of action items to attend to – things that should have been done
weeks ago. I apologize to all that have been waiting for stuff from
me. I’m on it!

One response to “Any Moment Now!”

  1.  Avatar

    Nathaniel! I love reading things about what you're doing and I love keeping up with you! Thanks for the update, I can't WAIT for this album, or any upcoming albums, I love your guy's work!

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